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Version control

Set up Git repository

Before you start on a project you’ll need to set up a GitLab repository. Be sure to create the project under the relevant group. If you’re unsure which group to use, ask your development manager.

Some of the steps below touch on the Deploy process. If you’re not familiar with this, you can read more about it here.

  • Branches settings

    Be consistent and secure

    Your default branch should be called main, this might already be the case.

    This can be managed within the repository UI: Settings → Repository.

    Your default branch should be protected

    Open Settings → Repository and find the “Protected Branches” tab.

    Choose “Developers + Maintainers” in the “Allowed to merge” tab and “No one” option in the “Allowed to push”:

    GitLab Settings of Merge

    This means that no one can push directly to it. Instead, all changes must be made via a merge request.

  • Merge Request settings


    As mentioned above, all code integrated with main is done via a merge request.

    For this to work well you need update some config.

    Within the repository UI go to Settings → General and expand the Merge requests tab.

    Select two checkboxes:

    • Pipelines must succeed
    • All discussions must be resolved
    Merge Request settings
  • Set up CI/CD pipeline

    1. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your repository.
    2. Copy the contents of the .gitlab-ci.yml file, click the button below.
    3. Paste it into your new .gitlab-ci.yml file.
    4. Commit and push this using the branching strategy.
    GitLab GitLab CI Script :.gitlab-ci.yml
    image: node:18.15.0 // Change to suit your node version
      stage: build
        - npm install
        - npm run build
          - dist/
      stage: deploy
        - git remote set-url --push origin https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN}@${CI_SERVER_HOST}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}
        - git config --global user.name "$GITLAB_USER_NAME"
        - git config --global user.email "$GITLAB_USER_EMAIL"
          - $DEPLOY
          - $BRANCH_NAME
        - DEPLOY_BRANCH="deploy/${BRANCH_NAME}"
        - TAG_NAME="$BRANCH_NAME-$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')"
        - git branch -D $DEPLOY_BRANCH || true
        - git checkout --orphan $DEPLOY_BRANCH
        - git rm -rf .
        - mkdir -p dist
        - git add -f dist/
        - git commit -m "Update artifacts for $DEPLOY_BRANCH"
        - git push --force origin "$DEPLOY_BRANCH"
        - if [ "$DEPLOY_BRANCH" = "deploy/production" ]; then git tag -a $TAG_NAME -m "Tagging production release $TAG_NAME"; git push origin $TAG_NAME; fi
          - dist/*
        - build
  • Generate Access Token


    If you look at the CI script closely you might notice a variable called, CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN. This references a special token that allows the CI script to write to the repository. We need to generate this token with the correct scope.

    Within the repository UI go to Settings → Access Tokens.

    1. Name it CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN.
    2. Check write_repository scope.
    3. Generate access token.
    4. Copy it, ready for the next step.

    Related resources

  • Add CI variable


    Add CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN value from previous step

    Lastly, to enable the CI script create our deploy branches we need to create the CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN variable.

    Within the repository UI go to Settings → CI/CD and expand Variables.

    Add a new variable with the key CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN and the generated token as a value.

    Generate deploy key